Applications open September 2022
This will be the last mastermind of 2022
Next mastermind is October 2022!
Are you a multi-passionate human who thrives on being in a (digital) room of like-minded people? Have you been wanting to expand on your grand (or small) ventures and no idea where to begin? This is for you! In this informative and FUN five-week group mastermind intensive we will work through your challenges and goals, leaving you with direction, purpose, more confidence, and drive. Spots are limited!
What exactly is a group mastermind?
This is an inclusive, collaborative space held via Zoom that will work through the specific goals of each person. I will act as a facilitator to ensure everyone is able to hold their space appropriately. We will uplift, ignite, and inspire one another.
Do I need to attend the entirety of every class?
In short, no. But keep in mind, part of this experience is group engagement! Please try to block out these times as soon as you can and attend as much as you can. The sessions will be recorded so you can go back and watch what you missed. Dates are listed below.
What if I have questions between sessions?
There will be a private FB group set up so everyone can support each other between sessions. This is your time to ask those questions and receive that support.
This is for you if...
You enjoy a non-judgemental collaborative space.
Have business venture idea(s) but don't know where to begin.
Always felt like an outsider because you had multiple passions
Lack the confidence to take that next step forward.
Want to find more freedom and ease in your relationship with work.
Know you want/deserve more in life/work but can't figure out how to get there.
Have multi-passions but don't know which one(s) to monetize.

My name is Jess and I will be spearheading this container. I am a multi-preneur professionally trained in Quantum Life Coaching, EFT, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Quantum Group Coaching Facilitation, and more.
Investing in yourself with a month+ transformation means you're ready to experience the following steps by channeling the power and confidence you already possess deep within.
Breaking free of your limiting beliefs, the judgement of others, your deepest inner critic, and society's (dated and patriarchal) standards of business. Begin looking inward, trusting yourself, and making your own path while opening yourself to more abundance.
Liberate: To release (someone) from a state or situation that limits freedom of thought or behavior. We will channel in to how your purpose will influence others whilst positively impacting yourself. Begin building the confidence and knowledge to move forward with your ideas and showcasing them to others.
You now have the confidence to know it's safe to make money doing things that are enjoyable, easy, and purposeful. Work doesn't have to be hard and exhausting. You're ready to make aligned energetic transactions with others that benefit both.