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Purchaser acknowledges that participation in this Service is done voluntarily and that you alone are 100% solely and personally responsible for your participation. Success from this program depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, and commitment. Jess Amburgey has made every effort to accurately represent "Live Training: How to Confidently show up online as a multi-passionate person with multiple offers"  but cannot and does not guarantee that you will attain a particular business result or income increase or level, and you accept and understand that results differ by each individual. By continuing to use this site and access content, you agree that Jess Amburgey is not responsible for any decision ​you may make regarding any information presented or as a result of purchasing any of our products or services.


Purchaser acknowledges that Jess Amburgey owns the rights to the teachings and Purchaser is not allowed to redistribute content, learnings, slides, videos, or anything else received during sessions. Purchaser is not allowed to teach the learnings as their own.

This service is non-refundable.

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